- The SNP, Good for Scotland?

- The NHS in England


The global environment is constantly changing - in order to keep pace with change it is necessary to understand what is happening and what could be. By examining possible futures and through understanding the current situation it becomes possible to develop new policies, products and services that are ahead of the game. Our occasional series of Thought Leadership papers aim to provide insight into a number of current topics and provoke your thinking. Download them for free.

Quality, integrity, trust.

Energy and the Environment

 - Micro Hydro  


- Review of the “Green Deal”

- Deadly Diesel

e-mel Micro Hydro Report May 2015.pdf


Policy, Economics and Finance

Images courtesy of kongsky, Mister CG and Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee at Freedigitalphotos.net

NHS Comparison Report Final 080615.pdf
SNP Report Final September 2015.pdf
Green Deal Report 2015 Final.pdf
Deadly Diesel 1.pdf