European Management Education & Learning (e-
We offer a bespoke research service to businesses and the public sector. We provide answers to your specific questions by people in the local market who understand how it operates. Our exceptional speed of response and competitive prices ensure our clients receive the best information quickly so that they can make the right decisions on a timely basis. We offer a full range of primary and secondary academic and business and market research, both qualitative and quantitative. This includes conducting interviews, surveys, desk research, focus groups and similar activities in over 50 countries.
Our work is designed to answer the specific questions you have about a particular market in a particular country. We will design the work with you to ensure that you get answers to the right questions. We work with our network in the specific countries to conduct the work in the local language and we monitor quality centrally to ensure validity and consistency. Whatever your research needs, call us to discuss them. We adhere to the Market Research Society’s code of conduct. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO): Registration number Z1609228