About Us

Founded in 2002, e-mel is a professional services organisation specialising in research.   It is part of a worldwide network of  researchers in over 40 countries who can provide specialised and first-hand knowledge to help support UK companies looking to export to or import from new markets.  In particular our network can help with research projects (academic or commercial)  sourcing potential customers, suppliers, distributors, agents and products for a business.

We have extensive experience of working with both large and small organisations in the public and private sectors, delivering complex projects in consulting, e-learning and research.   Our work in the HE sector has helped Universities in a number of areas including process review, operational effectiveness, value for money and identity management.

Our clients range from household names to small start-ups and include the GLA, Mitsubishi Electric, Immedia and many major UK Universities, including the Universities of Leicester, Lancaster, Bath, Bristol, Greenwich, Bedfordshire and Essex as well as UCL, Birbeck, SOAS and the Institute of Education in London.

Our values are Quality, Integrity and Trust: easy words, but we have to deliver every time.